Glynis Dinsdale.

Life Intuitive Coach

  • To find solutions for your challenges
  • Life acceleration coaching
  • Teaching, sharing and guidance
  • Clearing the blocks to manifest

+27(0) 83 456 8238

Call for more information

+27(0) 83 456 8238

Get in Touch with me

Accelerate to win in your life

I help ambitious entrepreneurs explore their strengths, connect with their vision and goals to avoid distraction, overcome frustration and confusion, and gain confidence in their decision-making by finding opportunities to grow their businesses, improve their careers and achieve the fast results they want.

ACCELERATE Coaching Session 1-1

Gain insight to Accelerate your Wins and Success and to achieve your goals in your business, career and life by overcoming any disruption, distraction and confusion.

Destiny Direction + Bazi Consultation 1-1

To find your Purpose, Mission, Opportunities and your Identity to get results, clarity & direction

Year Outlook with Numbers

Mini Numerology Session. What does the year hold for you? Find out what you should focus on for the year to give you clarity and direction.

Feng Shui Consultation

Tap into the environment and energy of your home and workspace to boost opportunities for more success in your career, job and business.

Angelic Guidance and Healing

Channel messages from the Angels who also assist in clearing and healing any blocks and open the “ways” for more creativity, prosperity, love and good health.


Use the “Attract” and “Soul” Candles as a tool to help you to anchor and focus on your thoughts and feelings on your goals and desires, and manifest bigger dreams.

How It Works

The Outcome of a Session / Consultation is creating awareness of your true potential and purpose, your strengths and talents.

Clarity and Direction

Become lighter, happier and excited after clearing the blocks that are stopping you

have a Plan

A Plan with Action Steps to take to achieve and manifest your goals

Focus for the year

To move you forward in your career, job, business, health, relationships

About me

I am a Spiritual Coach/Teacher and Intuitive Energy Healer, Astrologer and Feng Shui Master Practitioner who has worked in this field for 30 years helping, sharing, guiding, teaching and healing many over the years to reach their full potential to get the results they desired.

I believe there are 2 essential aspects to life that help our life’s journey. First is to know who you are – your unique Identity and Profile.  This builds your confidence and gives you awareness of your purpose, mission, strengths and focus.  

And the 2nd aspect is the TimeLine Period that you are going through.  Once you know what you can expect in your year from your astrology chart, you can plan for changes and not have unexpected challenges come your way.  You have direction and clarity and can create an action plan to help you through the year.


Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Your feedback inspires me. Knowing that you feel happy and whole is my soul’s purpose!

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for your  guidance you have given me over this past year. I have learned so much about myself, my strengths, my areas of development.

I love how you use the Angels, Numerology, Feng Shui and other methodologies and combine these to provide guidance in all areas of my life, whether it’s work, family and home. 

I look forward to our monthly interactions and also to giving you feedback in changes I have made as a result of the guidance I have been given in my sessions with you. 

Get in Touch

+27 (0) 83 456 8238


Based in Johannesburg,
South Africa


Accelerate Coaching Sessions
Destiny Direction + Bazi Consultation
Mini Numerology Session
Fengshuiways Consultations
Angelways Guidance & Healing
Abundance Candles

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